Ans- Each Science Centre consists of 65 table top working models, based on fundamental concepts of maths and science.
Ans- Definitely! Stem Learning provides a comprehensive and structured training program for the teachers of the school, so that they become well-versed with the working, use, application and concepts of the models. Additionally, they are also trained to make teaching sessions fun, friendly and engaging. Teacher training sessions are conducted thrice in the first year, i.e. at every quarter, twice in the second year and once in the third year. The aim is to create a sustainable, peer-led process.
Ans- Training is conducted thrice a year, in the first year after installation. Training is additionally provided twice in the second year and once in the third year. Stem Learning also stays in touch with the teachers, providing help and support to them whenever needed.
Ans- Yes, definitely! The science models are primarily designed for use by children, in order to help them understand difficult science and maths concepts easily. The models are meant for hands-on, experiential learning, thus making concepts crystal clear in children’s minds. When children use the models to actually carry out scientific concepts, it improves understanding and the concepts become entrenched firmly in their minds.
Stem Learning encourages students to actively use the models, which helps in enhancing interest and curiosity in the topics.
Ans- A number of models are such that they can be used to demonstrate different concepts. Therefore, they can be used to explain concepts to students of various standards, as required.
Ans- During the Teachers Training Program, teachers are taught to handle the models well. It is essential that teachers and children handle the models carefully. That being said, if a model does break, then the concerned authorities must get in touch with our customer service executive at the following number- 022 24933738, between 11:00 am and 6:00 pm. Our customer service executive will refer the matter to our backend team who will send someone to either repair the model or else replace it. You can also visit our website http://stemlearning.in/
For replacement and repairing, please check our policy and terms of agreement with individual donor.
Ans- Stem Learning is always available at hand to solve any queries teachers may have. Teachers can contact their trainers directly to clear any doubt, or mail their queries at trainingstemlearning@gmail.com. A reply may be expected within 48 working hours. We also provide telephonic support to the teachers, should they require it. Additionally, teachers have constant access to the Stem Plus App, our online teaching support system, which ensures a fast turnaround time.
Ans- STEM has a robust M&E system in place that monitors the desired outcome through its monitoring tools. The M&E system provides the initial baseline in the first year along with mid line in second year and end line in the third year.
We also have an expert and professional team which conducts regular‘Impact Assessment’ of the schools. Along with comprehensive research tools, our team personally meets with the teachers, principals, students, and if possible, their parents, and asks them about the impact of the Science Centre on the children’s education and understanding.
The research tools used are quantitative, as well as qualitative.
Ans- Stem Learning has a proper log frame matrix with verifiable indicators to ensure robust monitoring of the frequency of use of the models.One of the indicators is the Long Registers, used tomaintain records. It is an Entry Muster which they have to fill in before they enter the Science Centre. Thus, by checking the musters on a weekly basis, we can monitor how often children have used the Science Centre.This is just an indicative example.