Change in Pedagogy Through Scientific Exhibits

In the existing pedagogy we depend on the conventional methods of teaching, which include chalk and board method and imagination based learning. This methodology makes the learning process inefficient and also turns down the interest of a child towards the subject especially when it comes to science. So the existing pedagogy in scientific education must undergo a change. When we […]

आवश्यकता !

कहते हैं, आवश्यकता ही आविष्कार की जननी है, इसका अर्थ है कि जब जीवित रहने के लिए कुछ जरूरी हो जाता है तो मानव किसी भी तरह से उसे प्राप्त करने के लिए जुट जाता है।

National STEM Awards

The award is organized once a year by STEM Learning, in which children from all states across the country participate. This award is one of a kind in India

National Stem Award

I had a lovely experience at the National STEM Awards, I can’t express in words how I feel. As soon as I heard that STEM is going to organize the NSA


आत्मर्निभर शब्द दो शब्दों से मिलकर बना है, ‘आत्म’ और ‘र्निभर’, यह संस्कृत भाषा से लिया गया शब्द है।

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