Advantages of Keeping a Diary

A diary is a book kept to record daily events or a person’s thoughts and Impressions. A diary can be a useful aid to memory. If a person is in the habit of forgetting his appointments, or something that he is supposed to get or do, there is nothing better than to jot these down in his diary and his […]

A Business Trip Turns Into A Picnic

I love trips. I believe the best way to hang out with your friends is over food. Not everyone finds their best friends at the work place and not everyone gets a chance to go out on business trips with them. It was the first time my friends at work, Rahul, Gayatri, Sayali and I were on a business together. […]

Friend At STEM

We have many friends in our school, college and in our surrounding area. But it rarely happens that a person from the same college who was not a friend back

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