The Importance of Science in Early Education | Tamil Nadu School

Importance of Science in Early Education Governmental guidelines and tests often focus on middle and high school-level STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education. Yet, many educators believe science education should begin much earlier. Not only does science education teach young learners problem-solving skills that will help them throughout their schooling, it also engages them in science from the start. […]

NSA 2020 Experience

National STEM Awards (NSA) was the first of its kind in India organized by STEM Learning Pvt. Ltd. on February 28, 2020 International Science day at Bangalore, Karnataka sponsored by Brillio and Rotary Club of Bangalore. The prizes were distributed to the winners of the competition across India on the science day at the annual CSR summit. Participates across India […]

My Life As A PIA

My experience is that most people don’t love their work. Some like it, some tolerate it or take it lightly, but very few people actually love their work

Education System Today

I see a lot of schools today are more business oriented rather service oriented. Student today are more stressed out than any working adult. They are forced to stay back in schools to mug up the syllabus to maintain the school’s reputation and top rank in the market. Why are we not focusing on getting them to learn in playful […]

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