Change in Pedagogy Through Scientific Exhibits
In the existing pedagogy we depend on the conventional methods of teaching, which include chalk and board method and imagination based learning. This methodology makes the learning process inefficient and also turns down the interest of a child towards the subject especially when it comes to science. So the existing pedagogy in scientific education must undergo a change. When we consider teaching methodology in science, we find that teaching science through just chalk and board method, and relying on imagination based learning is not enough.
Instead the scientific concepts should be explained by using some working models based on the concept. Exhibits including science concept should be used as an aid to the existing pedagogy. This will reduce the time required to explain a concept as well as it will also enhance the grasping process of children. As whatever children see in actual with the assistance of the exhibits would help them to understand the concept practically. This will also reduce the rote learning process and will increase the retaining capacity of the child.
National Stem Awards: My Basic Role and Experience
National Stem Awards (NSA) gave me an opportunity to experience diversity. I had the opportunity to arrange events to interact with teachers and students from extensively diverse background. I was stationed in Rajasthan with my friend and colleague Aman to execute the NSA. Aman was very supportive throughout the journey of NSA. I got immense support from the participating school teachers as well as the hosting school teachers and children. The children participated with great competitive spirit and I’ve seen children break down after losing a competition. This NSA was one of a kind event taking place for the first time in government schools in which mostly underprivileged children participated. During the event, sometimes I got stressed out but at the end of the day when I saw the smiling faces of children, I was relieved.By Aquib Amir PIA, NORTH REGION

About Author: Aquib Amir has a total work experience of 7 months in STEM Learning. He is a STEM Educator.