Importance of Models in Education system
“Theory has only the alternative of being right or wrong. A model has a third possibility, it may be right: but irrelevant.”
Before joining in this job I worked as a Lecture in college, where I teach to students in theoretical way by using books and drawing. To teach students is not an easy task because a teacher needs to explain from basic concepts to actual concepts with examples by using drawings using blackboard.
Sometimes there is no drawing to few topics for the I need explain very carefully through my theoretical concepts to that students try imagine the concept and understand, It’s difficult to both or teachers need show with example by using projector or concept related model videos.
Always we can’t use videos in class because it consumes maximum time to set up and explain concepts. Sometimes I try to ignore videos and try draw diagrams using blackboard ad explain it. For that student has an imagination power to understand concepts and basic idea of concepts.
Where in my previous job I teach to 10+2 are above students, where they are trying to understand the concepts without models. I think what about school students, how they understand concepts will teacher explaining in theoretical way. It’s too difficult to students. Now I got a platform to teach concepts by using models through STEM learning Pvt. Ltd. These models include science & math’s topics which are related to schools syllabus.
Through these models students can understand concepts will teacher explain with this models and when he/she operating this models. By this he can realize the concept will we explaining real life application, it creates confidences and most important interest on subject.
Students try to think create new things by inspiring models which creates thinking and creativity power in students. This interest on subject, thinking power and creativity gives way study higher educations and goal setting to students.
As a stem trainer I’m happy with my job, where what I think to provide students that is providing to schools by CSR. The teachers can explain with these models, what the concept is, how it works and real life applications by adding their extra knowledge. Teacher can efficiently explain in less time and students also understand easily.

About Author: Shashidhar Chintha work experience of 3 years in the corporate world. He is working with STEM Learning from last 10 months Program Implementation Associate.