Advantages of Keeping a Diary

A diary is a book kept to record daily events or a person’s thoughts and Impressions. A diary can be a useful aid to memory. If a person is in the habit of forgetting his appointments, or something that he is supposed to get or do, there is nothing better than to jot these down in his diary and his […]

STEM Education in India

STEM Education broadly known to be education in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics is a new term in the changing world. STEM education creates fostering creativity, curiosity, imagination to enhance professional and personal skills like design thinking, computational thinking, adaptive learning and physical computing. Taking into account that India has been producing largest number of scientists and […]

Importance Of STEM Education And Model Based Learning

Importance Of STEM Education STEM education refers to the integrated teaching and learning of the subjects Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM education is usually presented through hands-on and relevant real-world learning experiences. STEM is important because our world depends on it. The economy, our general well-being—it’s all backed by science, technology, engineering, and math. You might be wondering then, […]

The Microwave

With the end of World War II, the Raytheon engineer was looking for other uses for the magnetron, which generated the microwaves for radar systems.

Friend At STEM

We have many friends in our school, college and in our surrounding area. But it rarely happens that a person from the same college who was not a friend back

Education System Today

I see a lot of schools today are more business oriented rather service oriented. Student today are more stressed out than any working adult. They are forced to stay back in schools to mug up the syllabus to maintain the school’s reputation and top rank in the market. Why are we not focusing on getting them to learn in playful […]

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