Why STEM Learning ? Check Out Here
STEM is an abbreviation for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. STEM based education focuses on teaching these 4 subjects using a structured and a distinctive approach, along with hands-on experiential activities. The four disciplines as separate and discrete subjects, STEM integrates them into a cohesive learning paradigm based on real-world applications. With the evolving technology, STEM education helps children adapt to the changing world. STEM Learning is vital to our future-the future of our country, the future of our region and the future of our children. Besides, STEM is everywhere; it shapes our everyday experiences.
According to research, when children engage in science activities early in life (from birth through age 8), they tend to develop a positive attitude towards science. Early education panel of experts also believe that STEM education is apt to be introduced when children are in kindergarten as kindergartners are naïve with a curious mind and very eager to learn. With the introduction of STEM at such an early age, it instills an important attribute of asking questions, in them.
The education sector is looking beyond smart classrooms towards hands-on learning and STEM enhancement on their current information and communications technology and smart class platforms.
The foundation of STEM is built upon a very basic concept: components. Anything important that is supposed to alter the reality of something like how students are taught in classroom.
Hands-on Activities:
Busy hands make busy brains! True to this statement, it is good to incorporate a lot of activities to ensure the active participation of children to experience scientific concepts. These activities can vary from a simple experiment to a complex experiment, which would also help children develop fine motor skills.
Career: STEM helps incorporate industry defined skills, talents, and specializations in children, so they can build their careers in current position in India. The skill development in the STEM learning space has not only activated my faculty towards a new paradigm of learning but has beautifully involved my students to engage meaningfully
Teacher Training in Zilla Parished High School, Kondapur
“In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.”
Teachers learn new and fun ways of teaching in these teacher training programs. The teacher training is about science & math’s models which are benefit and useful for teachers and also most useful for students to learn any concept through this science & math’s models. This Mini Science Center is installed in this school in 2019-2020 academic year, Which is given by Stem learning Pvt. Ltd. Supported by CSR Ryan India with help of United Way of Hyderabad (UWH).

This MSC includes 75 exbhits which are related to Science & Math’s concepts along with 33 backdrops. This model covers 130+ concepts of science & math’s, which are according to State/CBSE/NCRT syllabus for 5th to 10th Class students. To teach along with these models to teacher is easy and less time to explain to students. For students to understand any concept is easy and it creates hands on experience to students and also makes interest on related subjects. The MSC is beneficial for 425 (Present school strength) students from 6th to 10th (Boys & Girls). Now MSC is completely handover to school lifelong.
The teacher training is conducted in school by STEM Learning Trainer. There are 6 Science & maths teachers attended to this training along with principal. Initially explained by what is STEM, Who sponsoring and what MSC is. Explained all 75 models to teachers, training given to teacher in 6 hours.

At the End of Training:- After training teachers explaining few models, how it is explain to a students and How MSC is benefit for students.

Principal explaining Conductors and Semi-Conductors model, Explanation of different materials is that materials are Conductor or Semi-Conductor and also He is explaining how it is useful for student to understand the concept and also How it is benefits in higher studies. How MSC is useful to school teachers & students, At the end thanking to RAYN India, UWH & STEM Learning.

Math’s Teacher explaining math’s models along with science models, What are the problems that she facing to explain concepts, Now how she can explain concepts by using models and how these models beneficial for students & teachers. How MSC is beneficial for students now and in higher studies.
It is obviously most important that what teachers are taught reflects the practices that can actually make a positive difference for student learning. Teachers learn to improve their educational skills, improve overall organization, improve time management, improve technical knowledge and learn better ways to motivate the students. If these skills are applied effectively, grades of the students would increase definitely and would help in the growth of teachers.

About Author: Shashidhar Chintha work experience of 3 years in the corporate world. He is working with STEM Learning from last 10 months Program Implementation Associate.