Corporate Partner Stories

STEAM Could Revolutionize The Sportsmanship In The Country

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Like other things, sports too evolve over the time. Since I am an Indian, I understand cricket the best. We have seen how the cricket sport has drastically changed. T20 format, one day cricket and what not… Technology played vital role in bringing this paradigm shift. Technology has enabled the players to be faster and […]


Magnetic Poles : Repulsion And Attraction

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Magnetic pole, is the region at each end of a magnet where the external magnetic field is strongest. A bar magnet suspended in Earth’s magnetic field orients itself in a north–south direction. The side of bar magnet facing towards north pole is north pole of magnet. Similarly the other side facing south side is called […]

Corporate Partner Stories

STEM For Girls – Empowering Creative Minds

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As a society we learn about the world and advance our wellbeing through, Science, Engineering, Technology and Mathematics. Despite of all the Invention we lack a strong focus to be given on education Girl child and make them ready for their future so can they can choose their own career and pursue their dreams. The […]

Corporate Partner Stories

STEM Education – Innovate today for a better tomorrow

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The need to improve STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Education is critical. That’s why supports STEM LEARNING programs that help to transform the lives of young people and encourage the development of future leaders in STEM fields. Find out more about how STEM Learning is expanding STEM Education in India by visiting The […]


What Is 5G And What Is The Impact Of It On Our Ecosystem?

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Beginning 2020, the 5th generation of wireless technology is expected to be widely implemented throughout the world. The new network, called 5G, promises to provide faster browsing speed, with a higher capacity to use more devices. However, while companies from countries such as the United States and China are competing to be the first to […]

Thinesh Siva

Benefits Of Technology In Schools

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In this 21st century, everyone has access to technology through gadgets, home appliances and many more. Everyone and everything is updated by advances in technology. Today technology is also used in schools and other educational institutions. It is important to acknowledge that students are already interested and engaged with technology. This creates many amazing opportunities […]

Suraj Chopade

Brillio Science Fair, Pune

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Brillio Science Fair was organized by STEM Learning Pvt. Ltd. in association with Brilio Technologies. Science fair held at Zilla Parishad School, Mahalunge, Pune on February 20, 2020. STEM Learning Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading companies to provide CSR solutions in the education sector. Company has a vision to introduce the basic concepts […]