Importance of STEM Education
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. These are important things that students should learn and adapt. This is 21st century where society is technologically advanced. Everyday development in research, and science and technology is seen in every aspect of our lives in the world.
Scientific and technological innovations have become increasingly important which are essential parts of the economy. To succeed and survive in this highly and informative technological society, everyone has to develop their capabilities in STEM and children should be introduced to it at an early age.

STEM education is best learnt through hands-on activity for developing science and mathematics temper among students. Programs outside of school can help children to see that STEM is more than a class to finish. Programs like engineering for kids integrates multiple classes to provide opportunities to see how concepts relate to life in order to hopefully spark a passion for a future career in a STEM field. STEM activities are real life related and can benefit society and world. So much of STEM-related knowledge can help us learn about our environment and society.
Better STEM education at an early age will encourage students to enrol in relevant courses, and perhaps help them pursue a career in related fields. There are more than 3 billion STEM jobs projected to be vacant this year.

About Author: Gayatri Rasal has total work experience of 1.5 years in corporate world. She loves to train teachers. She is working with STEM Learning from last 1.5 years.