Magnetic Poles : Repulsion And Attraction
Magnetic pole, is the region at each end of a magnet where the external magnetic field is strongest. A bar magnet suspended in Earth’s magnetic field orients itself in a north–south direction. The side of bar magnet facing towards north pole is north pole of magnet. Similarly the other side facing south side is called south pole.
There is always force of repulsion between similar poles and force of attraction between two magnets of different poles.
Repulsion :
That means if we bring two magnets of similar poles (north-north , south-south) , then the two magnets repel each other.
Use : This technology is used in MagLev Trains. MagLev is a lavitating train that works on magnets repulsion principle. The train track and train wheels are similarly magnetized. So the train floats above the track. This reduces friction and gives the train more speed and smooth running capability.
Attraction :
If two magnets with different polar sides(north-south , south-north) are brought near each other then attraction happens between them. Also magnets attract magnetic materials such as iron , nickel , Cobalt. This property is very widely used in automotive , manufacturing industries.
This principle of magnet is used in making compass. The compass needle is a small bar magnet, so the north pole and south pole is indicated by the magnetic property of Earth. By this the sailors used to find direction in Sea.
The magnetic principle between two bar magnets is described by an inverse law that was explained in 1750 . If, for example, the separation between the two poles is doubled, the magnetic force diminishes to one-fourth its former value.
No matter how many times we break the magnet , it always retains it’s property of 2 different poles. Magnetic forces, in fact, cannot be traced to unit magnetic poles of submicroscopic size in direct contrast to electric forces that are caused by actual discrete electric charges, such as electrons and protons. Indeed, magnetic forces themselves also fundamentally arise between electric charges when they are in motion. See also magnetic dipole.

About Author
Rakesh Das has total work experience of 4 years in the corporate world. He is working with STEM Learning from last 1.8 year as a Program Implementation Associate. He is training teachers in different schools.
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