Teachers Training Program I Teachers Development Program
STEM learning Pvt Ltd is social enterprises focusing on Building brains beyond books and to make learning more interesting.
STEM learning Pvt Ltd is social enterprises focusing on Building brains beyond books and to make learning more interesting.
STEM education is where students learn hands on activity for science and mathematics subjects to create the scientific temper inside the students.
As the world is facing a pandemic and the whole nation is under lockdown to break the chain of Covid-19. At this time I would like to share my experience working with STEM Learning and approaching NGO’s to visit our Mini Science Centre which benefits hundreds of students in education.In September 2019, I have approached Samarthanam Trust for The Disabled […]
I as a STEM representative have been visiting schools as part of my job requirements and one such school visit which changed my outlook towards the program was the visit to Government Girls High School Near Charminar. It is my usual practice that when I visit schools, I just don’t restrict my conversation with teachers itself rather I visit classes […]
The need to improve STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Education is critical. That’s why supports STEM LEARNING programs that help to transform the lives of young people and encourage the development of future leaders in STEM fields. Find out more about how STEM Learning is expanding STEM Education in India by visiting https://www.youtube.com/watch?edufilter=NULL&v=gprS8AjIEzA The value of education for an […]
I work as a Program Implementation Associate (PIA) in STEM Learning since February 2019. The first day I came to know about STEM was because of my friend’s friend who said we have recruitment in our company and it would be nice if you both at least come for an interview. We both for an interview and there we first […]
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” A good teachers is like a candle, it consumes itself to light the way for students. A teacher affects eternity and can never tell where the influence stops. Establishing a positive relationship with teachers, it helps a student feel more comfortable and safe in MSC environments. As a result, students are more likely to participate actively […]
My name is Baikunth. Mini Science Centre establish by STEM Learning. STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines i.e. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. It plays a key role in education of school level. I believe that MSC should establish in every school. It provides Math and science hands on exhibits based […]
It’s a frightening time in the world. Everywhere you turn, it seems, there’s bad news, from supply shortages to job losses to
MSC Handbook is one of the deliverables of the Mini Science Centre. It is provided to the teachers after the first Teacher Training Program. The MSC Handbook contains the details of various offerings of STEM Learning Pvt. Ltd. which includes details about Tinker Lab, Just Learning etc.Details about Model school’s parameters and QR codes of PAN India Model schools case […]
1205, Marathon Nextgen Campus, Opposite G. K. Marg, Lower Parel West, Mumbai, Maharashtra – 400013
Phone: 022 2493 3738
Email: info@stemlearning.in
Accreditation and Certification Partner