Experience of teachers while using Models
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”
A good teachers is like a candle, it consumes itself to light the way for students. A teacher affects eternity and can never tell where the influence stops. Establishing a positive relationship with teachers, it helps a student feel more comfortable and safe in MSC environments. As a result, students are more likely to participate actively in class and challenge themselves academically.
Teachers believe that models in MSC helps them to teach easily where they better explain concepts as well as they enlighten briefly through these models. Models are easy to carry by which they take it to classroom. I am going to share what they tell about benefit of models.
Town high school (Prince SmitaRani Bissi)- Models increase students curiosity to know more about science concept behind it even it helps to teachers say no to black board and chalk pieces. After using these models, students are able to share their knowledge and it helps them to challenge themselves academically.
MPL high school (Sushmita pandey)-All models are good and its all related to state boards. It is easy to use. We allow them to peer to peer learn by which they are improving their concepts. They are thankful to STEM for this support.
Debadihi school (Debendra kumar patel)- before students only learn in classroom where they were not able to catch concept but now a days after using models they get to know the concept and real life example behind the each models. I believe that practical knowledge is more important than theoretical knowledge. Practical work includes experiments in MSC models. The advantages of practical knowledge are unmatched. Getting theoretical knowledge has no value until students can apply it for practical purposes.

About Author: Baikunthanath Champati has total work experience of 4 years in corporate world. He is working with STEM Learning from last 1.8 year as a Program Implementation Associate. He loves to train teachers.