Classroom to virtual Classroom
Virtual training can be easy by using our Mini Science Center models; you can explain the science and mathematics concepts with help of your models.
Virtual training can be easy by using our Mini Science Center models; you can explain the science and mathematics concepts with help of your models.
जिल्हा परिषद शाळा चौक, काहलपूर शाळेत 2016 साली लघु विज्ञान केंद्र देण्यात आले. शाळेतील विद्यार्थी अतिशय लहान घरातून येतात, बहुतेक विद्यार्थी हे आदिवासी घरातून आहे,शाळेत येण्यासाठी त्यांना 2-3 किलोमीटर चालून यावे लागते, शिक्षणाची आवड व भविष्यात चांगले जीवनासाठी त्यांची पालक दररोज तडजोड करत असतात. शिक्षणाच्या आधुनिक पद्धती नसतांना विद्यार्थी मन लावून अभ्यास करतात। STEM लेअरनिंग मार्फत वर्ष 2020 मध्ये राष्ट्रीय […]
I am a program Implementation Associate in the company, when I joined this post I thought just training teachers and travelling will be part of my job responsibilities. Yes! I love to travel; this was the main reason for joining STEM learning social enterprises. Many peoples are disturbed due to many reasons just like Career, Education, Work load and Family […]
स्टेम लेअरनिंग कंपनी मार्फत आयोजित केलेल्या स्पर्धेमध्ये भारताच्या कानाकोपऱ्यातल्या लहान लहान गावातून विद्यार्थ्यानि भाग घेतला होता. याच स्पर्धेच्या अंतिम चरण भारताच्या बंगळुरू या शहरात मध्ये होणार होता, भारतामधील जवळ जवळ २० राज्यातील विजेते विद्यार्धी बांगुळूर मध्ये एकमेकांच्या सामोरे येणार होते. बंगळुरू ला येण्यासाठी काहीविद्यार्थ्यांनी रेल्वेने प्रवास केला तर काही विद्यार्थ्यांनी विमानाने प्रवास केला आणि याचा सर्व खर्च कंपनी मार्फत करण्यात […]
As program implementation Associate it is like routine, you have been visiting schools and meeting teachers regularly. We are visiting schools for taking training of teachers or some time just to check the status of school and just build good relations with school.
When you faced with problems or setbacks in your life, what is your immediate reaction? If you’re like most of the peoples, your first reaction or impulse is to complain about it.
STEM learning had conducted a Nation level competition in month of February 2020. Competition were conducted at three different stages.
As the world is facing a pandemic and the whole nation is under lockdown to break the chain of Covid-19. At this time I would like to share my experience working with STEM Learning and approaching NGO’s to visit our Mini Science Centre which benefits hundreds of students in education.In September 2019, I have approached Samarthanam Trust for The Disabled […]
I as a STEM representative have been visiting schools as part of my job requirements and one such school visit which changed my outlook towards the program was the visit to Government Girls High School Near Charminar. It is my usual practice that when I visit schools, I just don’t restrict my conversation with teachers itself rather I visit classes […]
India witnessed long and uncertain lockdown since the outbreak of Covid-19 Pandemic. Every aspect of human lives have been adversely affected, making things difficult for a larger section of the people across the nation. While professionals like us could access work from home by working on our laptops, but there is a large segment of workforce that struggled to get […]
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Phone: 022 2493 3738
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