Classroom to virtual Classroom

India is going to become a superpower in coming years. To develop any country education is one of the main aspects that is why India is more focusing on Education. Many organizations are working in education, giving hand to hand to the government for better education of the youth.

India is known as country of God’s, as mentioned in our holly books, in period of Veda’s children’s were going to Ashram’ to learn the skills of life, just like today our children’s are going to school. For survive any child in future education is must now days. From many years we have been practicing the chock and board method, where teachers and students are seating in same class rooms and learning the things. But in this year world is facing new challenged in face of COVID-19.

We have quarantine at home from last few months. Many sectors are affected due to this situation. Now it is affecting growth of the country, day by day GDP is going down. We need to find new way to tackle this situation; many companies are trying to work from home. In education sector we can start we virtual training, classes and lesions can be teach at virtual platform. Many peoples are against this because on virtual platform teachers cannot focus on single students and there are many draw backs can be comes. But those we is ready to build our nation are accepting this challenge and trying to start the virtual classes. Numbers of teachers are contacting their students and already started the online sessions, also giving them homework.

We STEM learning are ready to help you in all ways we can. As we are supporting you from few years, not we are with you in this epidemic situation. Virtual training can be easy by using our Mini Science Center models; you can explain the science and mathematics concepts with help of your models. We are ready to give you refresher training on virtual platform. This simple effort can make change we just need to start it. We can make lesion plans and discusses about how we can use models in virtual training. As school and teachers are taking initiative as a responsible learner students have to take initiative to make this virtual learning more successful.


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